TV Repair Questions
At TSGSAN we do not repair TVs, we just mount TVs for you. We frequently receive many calls regarding TV repair. To help you with asking the right questions from a repairer that does fix TVs, see the below most frequent asked questions.
What is a “bench fee?”
This is a fee most TV repair shops charge to diagnose electronics components. With few exceptions, the most difficult part of TV repair is figuring out what the problem is. TV repair shops charge a fee for putting the set on their “bench” and troubleshooting it to find out where the issue is and what needs to be done for repair.
See our sponsored ads for a TV repair shop in your area.
How long does it take to repair a TV?
A lot of TV repair shops state that most sets can be repaired the same day or next day. It may take longer if they have to diagnose an uncommon problem (like problems caused by pests or power surges). Also, if parts are not found in San Antonio, ground shipping from the most common distributors can take 4-5 business days.
What information do I need to get a phone or email estimate?
TV repair shops need as much information as possible. The minimum information needed is Make (LG, Vizio, Samsung, Sony, RCA, etc.), Model and/or Chassis (should be on the back cover), TV type (CRT, CRT big screen, DLP, LCD, LCD projection, Plasma) and the problem it is having. Other information that can help is Manufacture Date (back cover).
How can you give an estimate without checking the TV?
Just like with cars, all the same models typically have the same problems. TV Repair shops look up the model # on their repair database to see if there is a common problem for your TV model that matches the symptoms you are experiencing. There are some problems that they just have no idea what the problem could be without checking it first. About 7 out of 10 problems they may see in the shop are common problems.
Can I repair my own Plasma TV?
TV repair shops do not advice a consumer to try to fix a Plasma TV on their own.
If you need TV Repair, just click on our TV Repair link and we’ll get you in contact with a local TV Repair shop.