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Pre-wire for New Construction

Pre-wire for New Construction

Now’s the time to wire for everything! Even if you don’t have an immediate need for a specific low voltage system, you may in the future; and it will cost much more to achieve what can be easily accomplished now. Example: you have a two story house and you want surround sound in your family room. How do you do it with finished walls? Answer: You don’t… at least not easily. Yes, there are tricks (run speaker wire under baseboard or in crown moldings) but not always feasible, and certainly not ideal. Speakers, alarm components, and flat panel TV’s, all can be mounted and functional with no wires exposed if planned for properly.

Pre-wiring is not only the best way to hide wires on the inside but essential for exterior applications as well. How often have you seen old coax cables and the like strung along in an unsightly fashion wrapping the perimeter of a structure. And there are a few more things to consider other that aesthetics: a) unless it was manufactured with a UV protected jacket, sun exposure will eventually break the cable down causing exposure to the conductors and ruining the integrity of the wire. And more importantly, communication and data lines can be easily compromised by intruders prior to breaking in consequently disabling alarm system communication to a Central Station.


If you are in the process of purchasing a new home and want to get it wired for sound, give us a call. We would love to help you with your new home entertainment project.

Our technicians our pre-screened very professional individuals who are happy to help you with your project. We will not send just any person or contractor to your home with out a background check and we are insured so you can feel comfortable doing business with us.

We believe  our customers care about the quality of work that is being provided to them. We believe in providing our best quality work at fair prices. Call Today (210) 692 4821.


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